Saturday, May 26, 2012

Quiet Reflections

   As I sit on the campus Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), my heart becomes overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness mostly because my first college experience was on this campus. I have so many fond memories. It was in this place that I became serious about salvation and MY walk God. It was at IUP that I met my best friend Melanie. I experienced love and heartbreak, joy and sorrow all in the short year that I was on campus.

   One thing that stands out most to me as I sit in this coffee shop is the morning that I met with the Dean of the chemistry department here on campus. I had asked for the meeting because I was struggling terribly academically and I was already on academic probation. This was during one of the darkest times in my life when I was depressed and deeply mourning the lost of my mother. Waking up everyday was chore and studying and homework took a backseat to miserable days and tear filled nights. While I cannot remember this woman's name, I do remember her telling me that I was not "college material" and that I "did not have what it took to complete this program, let alone become a doctor"

  I remember how my heart broke as she rattled off such heartless words. She didn't know me. She didn't know the story or reason for my struggle. I could feel the tears beginning to fill my eyes. Though her words were as a dagger in my heart I refused to let her see me cry. I let her finish and I walked out of her office broken, defeated, and disappointed.

   I am writing this blog as I anxiously await to cross my second college stage and tears again fill my eyes. Not because of disappointment or sorrow, but because I am about to accomplish in two weeks what I was told this I would never do! And for the record DOCTOR is still the goal and I WILL NOT quit until I reach it!!!!!!


  1. KEEP pursuing ....Man might put detours and delays but God will see you through ...just keep showing up, studying, and doing what is required...and then hear well done here is your Degree...

  2. Praise the Lord, girl! Amen! So proud of you! All things are possible through Christ (Matthew 19:26)! God will gain the victory (HE ALREADY WON), and HE will trample down our enemies! And do you know enemies, Amanda!! Congrats on the fulfillment of your life long dreams! Believe, Receive, and Achieve!

    In His Service,
    Elissa Berman
    Grace Bible College

  3. whew! yes manda! you will succeed! you will be a winner! you can and shall do all things through christ who gives you the strength to do them. I wish at the time, you would have told me who (whoever that lady was) said that to you. we would have confronted her on the spot!!!. LOL ....but anyway, I cannot express to you how proud i am to be your bestfriend. Keep looking for surely find it! we are children of the Most High God! Our destiny is and will always be great! :-)
